Download wordpress app
Download wordpress app

download wordpress app

Thank you sooo much for finally giving the app the attention it deserves!! Especially for the many creatives who use Wordpress, it’s important to be able to create and update our pages and posts on the go when we are inspired.

download wordpress app

Sometimes the publish button doesn’t work properly and I have to save as a draft and go to my computer to publish, but I’m confident that has been fixed with the newest update (just downloaded so fingers crossed).

download wordpress app

I had some trouble uploading images but I believe this was an issue with a plugin and it was fixed. Before, the app looked so outdated and had limited capabilities- it’s finally been updated so you can virtually do anything you can online using your phone. It’s very user friendly and the interface has been updated so much- it’s finally worthy of using and enjoying it. Thank you for the recent updates!!! I actually think it’s easier to use than the website- which is great but I hope the website also gets better and Wordpress doesn’t become an app only thing.for longer posts I love to use my laptop and the web version because it easier to type a long post, but right now id rather type it on a google doc or something and copy and paste on my phone using the app. Last but not least, we improved error messages on the login screen for self-hosted websites. Images with a copyright symbol in the file name will now upload or appear in the Share Sheet properly. When you connect your Facebook account to Publicize, you’ll now be logged in successfully. The username selection screen is no longer loading twice. Weekly roundup notifications weren’t always being displayed for all users, but now they are. We also solved a few smaller issues and crashes. We fixed a handful of edge case problems when changing the color of non-selected text. When you’re using different text and background colors in text blocks, you’ll get a notification if the color combo might make it hard for some people to read. We hid the help button in the bottom right of the unsupported block editor to avoid confusion. Selecting an image will no longer show you a video thumbnail, and vice versa. We added translation for color settings in Cover blocks. We solved an issue where buttons weren’t justifying left, right, or center in the Buttons block. We made some useful updates to the Block Editor. We’re happy to report that this improves the user experience for folks who need better visual accessibility.īig news for Comments: you can now follow a conversation using a button in the Comments header. We also made VoiceOver and Dynamic Type more accurate on Activity Log and Schedule Post calendars. The prompt even comes in Dynamic Type for easy reading. No big deal, but we added a prompt to the media picker in case you want to change your settings and allow more access. Speaking of media, we know you might have given the app limited access to your media library. We solved a problem where self-hosted sites would crash while trying to upload media without an Internet connection.

Download wordpress app